
TM-Conqueror: Trademark law in Germany, Europe and the World

trademark application, trade mark infringement, German trademark law, EU trademarks, IR, national trademark protection, trademark analysis, trademark portfolio management

German trademark

Trademark Maintenance

Trademark maintenance: what happens after you have registered your trademark? It’s done! You have successfully registered your trademark. Congratulations. Your trademark now enjoys protection under trademark law. Once your trade mark has been registered, you might think that your work is done but unfortunately, we have to contradict this. Trademark protection is only of use […]

What are trademarks?

As a rule, a trade mark is used to identify the goods and/or services of an enterprise. Signs suitable for distinguishing goods and/or services of an enterprise from those of another enterprise can be protected as trade marks. These can be, for example, words, letters, numbers, images, but also colours, holograms, multimedia signs and sounds. […]

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