
TM-Conqueror: Trademark law in Germany, Europe and the World

trademark application, trade mark infringement, German trademark law, EU trademarks, IR, national trademark protection, trademark analysis, trademark portfolio management

Official Fees

German Patent and Trademark Office

Trademark application (incl. 3 classes) 290 EUR for electronic application, 300 EUR for written application
per additional class 100 EUR

Amt der europäischen Union für geistiges Eigentum (EUIPO)

The basic fee covers one class for EUR 850, the fee for the second class of goods and services is EUR 50 and  the fee for three or more classes is EUR 150 for each class.

World Intellectual Property Organization

Trademark application fee 653 CHF or 903 CHF (colour trademark)
Fees per country at least CHF 100
(plus further processing fees of the basic office as well as national office fees, if applicable)

Further official fees in the other countries on request.

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