
TM-Conqueror: Trademark law in Germany, Europe and the World

trademark application, trade mark infringement, German trademark law, EU trademarks, IR, national trademark protection, trademark analysis, trademark portfolio management

trademark protection

Trademark: Terms of Renewal

Trademark´s Renewal Terms of protection: 3 Things To Know     1. After the Trademark Law Reform  In the case of a trademark registered as of 01/14/2019, the term of protection begins on the day following the filing of the application and ends at the end of the day corresponding to the day of filing […]

EUIPO´s Judgement on the world trademark “Think Different”

Dispute on the apple/swatch slogan “Think Different” and the importance of trademark protection Judgment of 08.06.2022; Ref. T-26/21; T-27/21 and T-28/21 In the following judgment of EUIPO in joined cases T-26/21, T-27/21 and T-28/21, the Luxembourg judges ruled in favour  of  Swatch. The watch manufacturer had applied to the European Trade Mark Office in 2016 […]

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